Beyond the Edge of the Universe: A Steady Path of Mindfulness and Letting Go
By Indu L. Shakya
The book is an exploration of the intersection between the Buddha’s teachings, particularly mindfulness and meditative practices, and modern scientific theories about matter, consciousness, reality, and the universe. It is not a collection of philosophical notes, but rather a rigorously testable treatise on certain aspects of science, training of the mind, and the path of direct experience. Divided into three self-contained parts, it examines Buddhist terms like mindfulness, Jhana, Nibbana, and emptiness, drawing parallels to ideas in quantum mechanics and parallel universes.
Drawing from his many years of meditation practice following the original Pali Sutta texts and combining Samatha and Vipassana methods-- tested through 'TWIM 6R' approach--the Author explains how one can remain completely free from the universe by letting go of all reactions while experiencing the progressive stages of voidness of all phenomena. He uses real-life examples to provide the best possible accounts of these experiences, bringing much-needed awareness and optimism. He emphasizes that the experience of Nibbana left by the historical Buddha, is real and attainable even today. It’s simply a matter of dedicating time and effort to experience it.
Download a free copy here.
'The gift of the Dhamma is the greatest gift of all' - Dhammapada 354.
Available also for purchase on Amazon worldwide (any proceeds will be shared to benefit the Dhamma/charity work). Your reading, reflections, review and sharing of this Dhamma work will bring much merit. Sadhu.